Accenture, Google, Apple: Major Corporations Flock to IIT Mumbai for Placements

Mumbai, 6th March 2024: The ongoing placement process at various IIT campuses across the country has been yielding impressive results, particularly at IIT Mumbai. Notably, 85 students from IIT Mumbai have secured packages worth 1 Crore, and an additional 63 students have landed international job offers.

The campus has attracted major corporations such as Accenture, Airbus SE, Air India, Apple, Arthur D. Little, Bajaj, Barclays, Cohesity India Private Limited, Da Vinci, DHL, Fullerton, Future First, GE-ITC, Global Energy & Environmental Engineering, and Google.

In this latest round of placements, students have not only achieved substantial domestic success but have also received international opportunities from companies based in Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Netherlands, Singapore, and Hong Kong.

The first phase of the placement season for 2023-24 at IIT Mumbai has concluded, with a total of 388 domestic and international organizations participating in the process, marking a significant milestone for the institution.