Mumbai: Tata Hospital Launches ‘Maharashtra Mouth Cancer Warriors’ to Combat Oral Cancer Due to Tobacco Use

Mumbai, 6th August 2023: Tata Hospital has taken a proactive step to address the rising concern of mouth cancer caused by tobacco consumption among citizens. The initiative ‘Maharashtra Mouth Cancer Warriors’ aims to tackle this pressing issue by deploying teams of trained medical professionals to district hospitals and health centers across the state.


These dedicated warriors will conduct screenings and examinations, identifying cases of mouth cancer promptly. Patients diagnosed with mouth cancer will receive immediate treatment at the local level and will also be referred to Tata Hospital for further specialized care.


Recognizing the growing number of cancer cases in the state and the importance of accessible treatment options for citizens, Tata Cancer Hospital has collaborated with the State Government’s Health Department. The joint effort, known as the ‘Cancer treatment at affordable rates for all at one place’ project, aims to extend cancer treatment services to every district of Maharashtra.


The newly launched initiative, ‘Maharashtra Mukh Cancer Yodhe,’ is an integral part of this broader mission. This voluntary group of oncologists is dedicated to raising awareness about oral cancer, facilitating timely diagnosis, and strengthening the oral cancer treatment infrastructure at the district level.


The core of the initiative revolves around a group of specialized doctors who have completed their super specialty education at Tata Hospital. These medical professionals are now known as ‘Maharashtra Mouth Cancer Warriors.’ Their primary responsibility involves visiting government district hospitals and health centers on a regular basis, typically once or twice a month. During these visits, they conduct thorough examinations of patients. If cases of mouth cancer are detected, patients receive free-of-cost treatment at the local hospital. The treatment options encompass chemotherapy, surgical oncology, and primary surgical procedures as required. In cases of severe cancer, patients will be referred to Tata Hospital for advanced treatment, as indicated by Dr. Rajendra Badve, Director of Tata Memorial Center.


The innovative concept of the ‘Maharashtra Mouth Cancer Warrior’ was proposed by Dr. Pankaj Chaturvedi, Deputy Director of Cancer Epidemiology Center and Professor of Head and Neck Cancer Surgery, as well as Director of the Head and Neck Oncological Society. The program was launched on July 31st under the leadership of Dr. Shripad Banavali.


Through the collaborative efforts of Tata Hospital and the dedicated ‘Maharashtra Mouth Cancer Warriors,’ the initiative aims to make significant strides in early detection, treatment, and awareness surrounding oral cancer, ultimately improving the lives of citizens across the state.