Mumbai’s CSMIA Launches First-Of-Its-Kind Vertical Axis Wind Turbine & Solar PV System

Mumbai, 14th June 2022:Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport (CSMIA) is India’s first airport to launch a one-of-its-kind Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) & Solar PV hybrid (Solar Mill) to explore the possibility of utilization of wind energy at the airport. CSMIA has introduced this pilot program in collaboration with WindStream Energy Technologies India Pvt Ltd, which ensures 24/7 energy generation, harnessing maximum energy through wind power systems, while enabling highly efficient and low carbon future for aviation. This sustainable initiative undertaken by CSMIA reduces dependence on conventional electricity which propels its journey towards ‘Net Zero’ emissions.
Since its inception, CSMIA has been inching towards the reduction of carbon emissions under its Environment & Sustainability policy and GHG policy. Over the years, incredible efforts and strong beliefs in sustainable development have ensured minimal environmental footprint at the airport. Thus, to assist in enhancing capacity usage of green energy, CSMIA has deployed a 10Kwp Hybrid SolarMill consisting of 2 Kwp TurboMill (3 Savonious type VAWT) and 8 Kwp Solar PV modules with an estimated minimum energy generation of 36 Kwh/day. WindStream Energy Technologies India Pvt Ltd has developed this novel and patented, first-of-its-kind, fully integrated, hybrid renewable energy product which harnesses solar and wind energy combined to generate electricity. The energy generated through this technology can be customized on a need-specific basis. Due to its modular and scalable size, it’s easy to mount the technology on any mobile or static rooftop. This technology is a vital step in deploying a solution at the airport that is renewable, clean, green, environment-friendly, bird-friendly, and a silent solution with a 25-year design life.
According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), wind energy contributes 27% of the world’s renewable electricity generation capacity as of April 11, 2022. It is estimated that VAWT technology will generate ~13140 KWh/annum for 25 years & will increase renewable energy in the existing energy mix and can reduce carbon emission to about 259515 KgCo2e (Kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilogram). This plant requires bare minimum maintenance of installation, unlike any other machines for electrical supply, where load & batteries are attached to the system.
In FY 21-22, CSMIA used 9.41 MU of renewal (Solar and wind) power, which includes onsite solar power generation of 5.46 MU and wind power of around 3.94 MU. Thus, usage of solar and wind power has reduced ~7400 tCO2e emissions at the airport. CSMIA aims to replicate the project to increase the onsite renewal power generation in the coming years.
In the wake of the growing carbon footprint globally, this innovative technology is yet another initiative taken by CSMIA, adding to a milestone in the sustainable brand value of the organization. CSMIA over the years has envisaged several sustainable innovations and projects such as green building designs, operational measures like A-CDM, electrically operated vehicles, and increasing renewable energy generation from 0 – 4.56 Mwp, to name a few. These initiatives have propelled CSMIA to become a carbon neutral airport by achieving ACA Level 3+ “NEUTRALITY” in 2016-17. CSMIA continues to bring in new and advanced sustainable practices timely to further boost the operational efficiency of the airport in a green way and endeavors to achieve ‘Net Zero’ carbon emission by 2029.