Team from WeSchool, Mumbai announced winner of the national final of 2022 KPMG Ideation Challenge
Mumbai, 05 April 2022: KPMG in India announced that a team of students named ‘Team ALJKAS’ from WeSchool, Mumbai are the India national champions of the 2022 KPMG Ideation Challenge. This year, at the Ideation Challenge, we encouraged the students to think innovatively and create advanced and cost-effective solutions that helps the economy, industry, community, or organisation to carbon neutrality. The India champions, crowned as “Team India”, won a sum of INR 5,00,000/- and the team members will get the opportunity to do an internship with KPMG in India. Also, they will represent the country in a virtual global celebratory and networking event in which will showcase their disruptive solution to teams from 10 countries.
The championship runners-up, “Team CARBON 6” from IIT ISM, Dhanbad, won a sum of INR 3,00,000/- and internship with KPMG in India for the team members. The India leg saw participation from over 14000 students from nearly 600 leading educational institutions of the country, who took part in the competition this year, with only seven teams making it to the finals.
After two intense rounds, the seven strongest teams in the country were selected for the national finals.
Sunit Sinha, Partner and Head – People, Performance and Culture, KPMG in India said, “As part of our commitment to lifelong learning, the KPMG Ideation Challenge is also an opportunity for KPMG to provide future leaders with a unique and highly valuable learning experience and make them business-ready professionals and see first-hand how we cultivate a culture of creativity and collaboration. This Challenge is a unique platform that encourages the students to think out of the box and suggest innovative and result-oriented technology solutions that solve pressing, real-world issues facing business and society. We continue to be inspired by the excellent potential and talent each team brings to the KPMG Ideation Challenge. I convey my heartfelt congratulations to the winning team from WeSchool, Mumbai for their brilliant performance in this competition and wish them the very best for representing the country at the 2022 Global KIC event.”
KPMG in India will stay engaged the young disruptors from KIC and mentor them for taking their solutions to the market alongside equipping them to complete in a truly global business environment.
The details on KIC can be read by clicking on this link: 2022 KPMG Ideation Challenge