Thane: TMT Bus Collision at Waghbil Junction: Quick Driver Action Prevents Major Accident

Thane, 24th February 2024: Six passengers narrowly escaped harm when a Thane Municipal Transport (TMT) bus, en route from Kasarvadavali to Thane station, experienced brake failure and collided with a stationary water tanker. The incident occurred at approximately 6:15 am at the Waghbil junction.

The driver of the midi bus recognized a brake system malfunction while crossing the junction, and despite attempts to control the vehicle, the brakes failed. To prevent a more severe accident, the driver attempted to swerve the bus off the road but ended up colliding with a parked water tanker. The impact resulted in significant damage to the front of the bus.

Fortunately, due to the early hours, there were not many passengers on the bus at the time of the incident, and all individuals on board managed to escape without injuries. Yasin Tadvi, in charge of the regional disaster management cell in Thane, reported that the brake failure likely occurred on the bus’s first trip from the depot that morning.

The aftermath of the collision caused a temporary blockage on the Mumbai-bound carriageway, prompting traffic and civic rescue officials to move the bus to the roadside, ensuring the smooth flow of traffic. Thankfully, the quick response and the relatively low number of passengers contributed to avoiding any casualties in this incident.