Use Of Non-transport Vehicles As Transport Vehicles Banned By Maharashtra Government

New Delhi, 21st January 2023: To maintain the general public’s and passengers’ overall safety on the road in Maharashtra, the state government has approved an order prohibiting the use of non-transport vehicles (including two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and four-wheelers) as transport vehicles.

The Maharashtra Government’s notification reads, “It is observed that use of non-transport vehicles (including two-wheelers, three-wheelers, and four-wheelers) as transport vehicles is on the rise tremendously and raises serious practical and security concerns of the passengers and which may cause serious threat to the road safety of general public and passengers, at large.”

The notification further reads, “And since there are a significant number of vehicles registered in the non-transport category, the non-transport vehicles registered outside the State of Maharashtra may also be used for vehicle aggregation and may affect the economic viability of the vehicles operating under valid permits in the State of Maharashtra.”

Dr. Keshav Nana Shirsagar of the Baghtoy Rickshawwala Union said, “All of the employees in Maharashtra’s automobile industry are pleased with the government’s decision. The ruling was desperately needed because it threatened the livelihood of vehicle operators in the state.”

The ruling was made after the Maharashtra Government was reprimanded by the Bombay High Court for failing to formulate a policy for cab aggregators and told to explain. According to the Maharashtra government, a committee has been established to draught the rules for bike taxis in the state.